A Short Biography of Thee Obsessed Cave Web-Shrine.
  Nick Cave is GOD webshrine | Short  Biography of Thee Cave Shrine | God's own Gallery | Votives and Venerations | Cave Communion at Cathedral Apollo |  Dark Thoughts For Mah Saviour | The TEN Commandments of CAVE | Poetry by Nick Cave | The Old Testament aka The Birthday Party R.I.P. | Love Songs Touched by the gentle hand of GOD | LORD have MERCY | Euchrid's Autopsy... | The Holy Church of Nick Cave and Latter Day Saints | The Murder Ballads in Picture Form | Gallery of Disciple's Shrine Votive's  



Let me tell you a bit about myself.
My name is  Jonathan or Jonno

I normally get called 'Reverend Hack' because of an Obsessive attachment to JUNKYARD, bah The Birthday Party.
or you may already know me,by my Forum Nom De Plume
" Jonno From Tupelo "

I'm 51 yrs.old and (Indeed ah am OLDER than GOD himself)
I've been a Disciple of Nick's since
The Mighty 'Birthday Party' days of the early 80's.

My personal fave era is Nick Cave circa '81-92
I believe this era was his most intense
even SACRED,and not only that,
but " NICK was a BAD SEED " too.

 Then there was the blessed Anita

I have always felt (and ah still DO!) that Anita's
influence on Nick's life and music
has never really been FULLY  recognised.

Anita Lane was  VERY DEFINITELY  "HIS Muse"  Indeed,she was that special person that Nick  really needed to " Spark " his ideas off.

We both had mutual friends from
THE GUN CLUB ...... they were Patricia Morrison  and
The late  great  magnificent Jeffrey Lee Pierce....

Rest in Peace Brother Jeffrey ! *


Listening to "Fears of Gun" is torture for me



My "Creative Muse" for this Shrine is  a fellow Disciple

and Bestest  pal  "Miss Boo" of Chicago (mah spiritual home)

My " Heavenly Shrine Muse " is  "Lil Lost Boy"  'Young Nick Drake (RIP) who
many of you will already be
familiar with and
whose influence over my life
is STRONG and potent.

I Adore NICK CAVE the man,THE GOD!!!! the music, HIS  Heavenly Musical Presence in my day to day life. .....

** Anita Lane is also a
"Mute Recording" Artist
*Anita was Nick's longtime "significant other" during
a VERY creative period of his life.

IMHO Anita is just WAY too important
as The MUSE figure in GOD's  life
to ONLY be a footnote in Nick Cave's History,

The blessed 'Nita is WORTH SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT!!!!!

Like Nick once said of Anita
" No-one can TURN a phrase quite like Anita Lane. "

:The Mad Ol' Buzzard Thee Reverend:


To all the photo copyright owners...
I ALWAYS credit photo sources when known.

Any probs with copyright contact me (xx)

Bless You  ALL !!!

Reverend  HACK




How The Hack do Ah get in touch Rev?


My E.Mail address is Tastethefloor1@hotmail.com

I would love to hear from you....

Tell me what you liked..and what you DIDN'T!!!!!

I can take it.

" I can still feel his tiny fingers pressed in my hand."