  Nick Cave is GOD webshrine | Short  Biography of Thee Cave Shrine | God's own Gallery | Votives and Venerations | Cave Communion at Cathedral Apollo |  Dark Thoughts For Mah Saviour | The TEN Commandments of CAVE | Poetry by Nick Cave | The Old Testament aka The Birthday Party R.I.P. | Love Songs Touched by the gentle hand of GOD | LORD have MERCY | Euchrid's Autopsy... | The Holy Church of Nick Cave and Latter Day Saints | The Murder Ballads in Picture Form | Gallery of Disciple's Shrine Votive's  

" Mission Statement "

The site is now entering it's
fourth FULL  year of  existence
and I am  most MASSIVELY grateful to
our many supporters and contributors .

This " Nick Cave is GOD " web-shrine
ONLY exists  because of people  like you!!!!

" From Too..oo...Eter..ern..ity !!!! "..



" A ragged cup,a twisted mop
The face of Jesus in my soup..."


" I am a crooked man
and I've walked a crooked mile
Night,the shameless widow
doffed her weeds in a pile
The stars all winked at me
They shamed a child..

Lyrics reproduced from the Album 'Your Funeral My trial'
Mute Records.


Down to Tupelo! Oh God help Tupelo...

All the wonderful photographs reproduced in
this Obsessed Web-shrine are ' borrowed ' with ( hopefully )
the ' kind permission ' of their owners.

Without the kindness of strangers I would not have been able to put
this Holy Shrine together



The Mad Ol' Buzzard Thee Reverend sings Truck Love!!!!!!


  I am  The fully  ordained   Minister of the Church of Nick Cave and Latter Day Saints:

The Reverend Jonno  Founded TCONCALDS  in The Cold winter of December 1999



LISTEN, ALWAYS REMEMBER  young NICK DRAKE...who gave his life for his MUSIC,no greater sack-re-fice could any man make.



( use link below or at the foot of this page,right hand side)   (follow "COMICS"  link)

All Serious NICK CAVE Obsessives should check this out.
GOTH Humour? Surely not..:)
Take a look it's BRILLIANT.
There is a LINK at the foot of this page!! Woo Hoo!

Click on the link marked COMICS...and you're there dude!!

Personal faves are ' Toys ' ( a Goth Furby...Todd you are " inspired dude. " )
oh yeah and " The Saga " so very funny.:)

When you visit this site please sign his GB and
give my Webby a name check if possible XX

Thanks. :)

Click the link and you're there, unfortunately the
Artist known as Todd is deleting this cartoon strip
( sobs loudly ) however all the archives are still there,
this guy Todd is a genius...

I for one am going to miss Eddie the Goth's humour,
I know for a fact he owns all of Nick Cave's albums...
Especially THE MURDER BALLADS!!( This is Eddie's " Easy Listening " album )

Expect to see more from Todd in the very near future.

The last any of us saw of Eddie The Goth
was watching him disappear under the feet of a large reptile!!

Can he survive?? Only Todd knows..

:Rev.   XX


" Bind Mah Dreams Up In Your Tangled Hair "