" Mission Statement " The site is now entering it's fourth FULL year of existence and I am most MASSIVELY grateful to our many supporters and contributors .
This " Nick Cave is GOD " web-shrine ONLY exists because of people like you!!!! " From Her..er..er Too..oo...Eter..ern..ity !!!! "..
" A ragged cup,a twisted mop
" I am a crooked man and I've walked a crooked mile Night,the shameless widow doffed her weeds in a pile The stars all winked at me They shamed a child.. YOUR FUNERAL...MY TRIAL ". Lyrics reproduced from the Album 'Your Funeral My trial' |
Down to Tupelo! Oh God help Tupelo... All the wonderful photographs reproduced in Without the kindness of strangers I would not have been able to put ... THANKYOU.
The Mad Ol' Buzzard Thee Reverend sings Truck Love!!!!!! |
. I am The fully ordained Minister of the Church of Nick Cave and Latter Day Saints: The Reverend Jonno Founded TCONCALDS in The Cold winter of December 1999
LISTEN, ALWAYS REMEMBER young NICK DRAKE...who gave his life for his MUSIC,no greater sack-re-fice could any man make.
EDDIE THE GOTH Cartoon ( use link below or at the foot of this page,right hand side) http://www.ccs.neu.edu./home/toddf/mceg (follow "COMICS" link)
All Serious NICK CAVE Obsessives should check this out. Click on the link marked COMICS...and you're there dude!! Personal faves are ' Toys ' ( a Goth Furby...Todd you are " inspired dude. " ) When you visit this site please sign his GB and Thanks. :) Click the link and you're there, unfortunately the I for one am going to miss Eddie the Goth's humour, Expect to see more from Todd in the very near future. The last any of us saw of Eddie The Goth Can he survive?? Only Todd knows.. :Rev. XX